Fluorescent Dye 647-I Maleimide View larger

Fluorescent dye that is water-soluble and forms stable thioether bond with free thiol groups. The slight red shift in absorption


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Fluorescent Dye 647-I Maleimide

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Data sheet

Size 1 mg
Storage Conditions Store the product in desiccated environment at -20ºC and avoid from light.
Application Key Conjugation,Flow Cyt
Recomended Dilution Labeling of biological molecules, e.g. Antibody, Protein, for fluorescence imaging and other fluorescence-based biochemical analysis.
Storage Buffer DMSO

More info

Fluorescent dye that is water-soluble and forms stable thioether bond with free thiol groups. The slight red shift in absorption spectrum makes Fluorescent Dye 647-I Maleimide an optimal match to filters designed Cy5 dyes.Besides, their fluorescence is pH-independent from pH 3 to 11.

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Fluorescent dye that is water-soluble and forms stable thioether bond with free thiol groups. The slight red shift in absorption

Fluorescent dye that is water-soluble and forms stable thioether bond with free thiol groups. The slight red shift in absorption