Fluorescent Dye 649-C5 Hydrazide View larger

Cyanine 5 dyes are common red fluorophores, and can tolerate a pH range of 3-10. This C5 Hydrazide reacts with carbonyl groups.


New product

Fluorescent Dye 649-C5 Hydrazide

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Data sheet

Size 1 mg
Storage Conditions Store in the dark at -20ºC.
Application Key Conjugation,IVI
Recomended Dilution Labeling of biological molecules (e.g. peptides, proteins, oligoes) for fluorescence imaging and other fluorescence-based biochemical analysis.

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Cyanine 5 dyes are common red fluorophores, and can tolerate a pH range of 3-10. This C5 Hydrazide reacts with carbonyl groups.

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Cyanine 5 dyes are common red fluorophores, and can tolerate a pH range of 3-10. This C5 Hydrazide reacts with carbonyl groups.

Cyanine 5 dyes are common red fluorophores, and can tolerate a pH range of 3-10. This C5 Hydrazide reacts with carbonyl groups.