Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG View larger

Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG


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Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG

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Data sheet

Size 50UG
Storage Conditions Lyophilized protein should be stored at -20°C, though stable at room temperature for 3 weeks. Reconstituted protein solution can be stored at 4-7°C for 2-7 days. Aliquots of reconstituted samples are stable at -20°C for 3 months.

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Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG

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Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG

Human Tachykinin-3 Recombinant Protein N-6 His Tag Lyophilized 50UG