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Ao comprar este produto pode ganhar até 29 pontos de fidelização. Seu carrinho totalizará 29 pontos de fidelização que podem ser convertidos num vale de desconto de 116.00EUR.

Data sheet

Size 200 uL
Gene Name MPP1
Gene Alias AAG12|DXS552|DXS552E|EMP55|MRG1|PEMP
Gene Description membrane protein, palmitoylated 1, 55kDa
Storage Conditions Store at 4ºC in the dark.
Application Key FISH-Ce
Supplied Product DAPI Counterstain (1500 ng/mL ) 250 uL
Antigen species Target species Human
Gene ID 4354

More info

Made to order FISH probes for identification of gene amplification using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Technique. (Technology).

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Made to order FISH probes for identification of gene amplification using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Technique. (<a href="

Made to order FISH probes for identification of gene amplification using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Technique. (<a href="