100 Base-Pair DNA Ladder, Express View larger

Consists of multiple repeats of 100-bp fragments from 100 bp up to 1000 bp. Supplied in sufficient quantity for 100 loadings usi


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100 Base-Pair DNA Ladder, Express

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Data sheet

Size 500 uL
Storage Conditions Store at -20ºC. Stable at room temperature for 6 months.
Application Key Electrophoresis
Recomended Dilution 4 to 5 uL/lane

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Consists of multiple repeats of 100-bp fragments from 100 bp up to 1000 bp. Supplied in sufficient quantity for 100 loadings using 4-5 ul per loading. Not designed for quantitating DNA concentration in a sample. Ladders are available premixed in as ready-to-use format premixed with loading-dye-solution (Express).

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Consists of multiple repeats of 100-bp fragments from 100 bp up to 1000 bp. Supplied in sufficient quantity for 100 loadings usi

Consists of multiple repeats of 100-bp fragments from 100 bp up to 1000 bp. Supplied in sufficient quantity for 100 loadings usi