K-Ras4B Mutant Protein: Q61P (human recombinant with 6xHis-tag)-1 x 100 µg View larger

K-Ras4B Mutant Protein: Q61P (human recombinant with 6xHis-tag)


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Data sheet

Size 1 x 100 µg
Gene Name AT
Gene Alias 4°C
Storage Conditions 4°C
Shipping Conditions AT

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K-Ras4B Mutant Protein: Q61P (human recombinant with 6xHis-tag)

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K-Ras4B Mutant Protein: Q61P (human recombinant with 6xHis-tag)

K-Ras4B Mutant Protein: Q61P (human recombinant with 6xHis-tag)