PEG Blocking Buffer View larger

PEG Blocking Buffer for ELISA contain polyoxyethylene detergents that interfere with PEG and PEG antibody detection. PEGB125-1 e


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PEG Blocking Buffer

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Data sheet

Size 125 mL
Storage Conditions Store the kit at 4ºC.

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PEG Blocking Buffer for ELISA contain polyoxyethylene detergents that interfere with PEG and PEG antibody detection. PEGB125-1 effectively blocks and stabilizes PEG-protein and anti-PEG coated ELISA plates if used as directed.

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PEG Blocking Buffer for ELISA contain polyoxyethylene detergents that interfere with PEG and PEG antibody detection. PEGB125-1 e

PEG Blocking Buffer for ELISA contain polyoxyethylene detergents that interfere with PEG and PEG antibody detection. PEGB125-1 e