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Fluoro Catalase Activity Detection Kit by Cell Technology


New product

A sensitive, one-step, no wash assay for the sensitive monitoring of catalase activity by measuring residual hydrogen peroxide substrate. A non-fluorescent detection reagent generates a fluorescent signal in the presence of peroxidase and resorufin.

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Data sheet

Size 500 Tests
Storage Conditions 2-8 °C
Shipping Conditions Ships overnight (domestic), International Priority Shipping
Method Fluorescence plate reader
Sample Type Metabolic Assay

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A sensitive, one-step, no wash assay for the sensitive monitoring of catalase activity by measuring residual hydrogen peroxide substrate. A non-fluorescent detection reagent generates a fluorescent signal in the presence of peroxidase and resorufin.
Target Description: Catalase is an antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen. Catalase is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian and non‐mammalian aerobic cells containing the cytochrome system. The enzyme has been isolated from various sources, including bacteria and plant cells. Catalase activity varies greatly from tissue to tissue. Highest activity is seen in liver and kidney, while lowest activity is seen in connective tissue. In eukaryotic cells, catalase in concentrated in organelles called peroxisomes. The production of hydrogen peroxide in eukaryotic cells is an end product result of various oxidases and superoxide dismutase reactions. Accumulation of H2O2 can result in cellular damage through oxidation of proteins, DNA and lipids thus resulting in cell death and mutagenesis. Hydrogen peroxide’s role in oxidative stress related diseases has been widely studied. The Fluoro Catalase detection kit is a sensitive assay that utilizes a non‐fluorescent detection reagent to measure H2O2 substrate left over from the catalase reaction.

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