ezFlow Endofree Plasmid Megaprep 10mg View larger

ezFlow Endofree Plasmid Megaprep 10mg


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Plasmid DNA Purification. Superior Purity, Ultra High Yield, Time Saving, Eco-Friendly and Low Cost. "A Breakthrough Plasmid DNA Purification System"

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Superior Purity: This patented Plasmid Purification system uses no chaptropic salts in the buffer, and the resulting purified DNA is free of guanidine salts, cesium chloride, ethidium bromide and ion exchange resin residues, which enable the highest performance of downstream applications including gene therapy and genetic vaccination.

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ezFlow Endofree Plasmid Megaprep 10mg

ezFlow Endofree Plasmid Megaprep 10mg