GFP agarose beads View larger

GFP agarose beads is based on anti-GFP covalently coupled to the surface of agarose beads.


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GFP agarose beads

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Data sheet

Size 1 mL
Storage Conditions Store at 4ºC. Do not freeze.
Specificity The GFP agarose beads recognizes GFP, mEGFP, superfolder GFP and most common CFP and YFP variants. Does not cross-react with mCherry, mRFP, dsRed, mTagBFP, mTagRFP or their most common derivatives.
Form Liquid
Recomended Dilution Co-Immunoprecipitation<br>Enzyme activity<br>Immunoprecipitation<br>Mass Cytometry<br>The optimal working dilution should be determined by the end user.
Storage Buffer 50% slurry in PBS (20% ethanol).

More info

GFP agarose beads is based on anti-GFP covalently coupled to the surface of agarose beads.

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GFP agarose beads is based on anti-GFP covalently coupled to the surface of agarose beads.

GFP agarose beads is based on anti-GFP covalently coupled to the surface of agarose beads.