WARS (Human) Matched Antibody Pair View larger

This antibody pair set comes with a matched antibody pair to detect and quantify the protein level of human WARS.


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WARS (Human) Matched Antibody Pair

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Data sheet

Size 1 Set
Gene Name WARS
Gene Alias GAMMA-2|IFI53|IFP53
Gene Description tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase
Storage Conditions Store reagents of the antibody pair set at -20ºC or lower. Please aliquot to avoid repeated freeze thaw cycle. Reagents should be returned to -20ºC storage immediately after use.
Application Key EPair-Tr
Supplied Product Antibody pair set content:<br> 1. Capture antibody: mouse monoclonal anti-WARS (100 ug)<br> 2. Detection antibody: rabbit purified polyclonal anti-WARS (50 ug)<br> *Reagents are sufficient for at least 3-5 x 96 well plates using recommended protocols.
Antigen species Target species Human
Quality control testing Standard curve using WARS 293T overexpression lysate (non-denatured) as an analyte.
Gene ID 7453

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This antibody pair set comes with a matched antibody pair to detect and quantify the protein level of human WARS.

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This antibody pair set comes with a matched antibody pair to detect and quantify the protein level of human WARS.

This antibody pair set comes with a matched antibody pair to detect and quantify the protein level of human WARS.